Well before we all start freaking out about it, let's see what the new family share plans are like.
Hate to say this, but some of the complaining sounds a little like entitlement to me. Verizon didn't have to grandfather us into unlimited data. They didn't have to grandfather unlimited 3g people into unlimited 4g. Heck, I think it was rather nice of them to keep on the unlimited people for as long as they have.
The fact is that the wireless industry is moving away from unlimited data plans en masse. They are a thing of the past. Verizon has to evolve like any other phone company. They are in business to make money.
Sure, switch to sprint if you want. You'll pay less, but you'll get less - slower speeds and poorer coverage. There's a reason why they charge less.
But they stated that they WOULD grandfather the unlimited plans in, even when upgrading to an LTE phone. We don't even have the pleasure of LTE where I live. They want to do this crud then they need to get the stick out of their arse and get it here. Our 3G throughput is ridiculously slow as it is.

I wasn't real happy when they charged me a $30 fee for the "privilege" of upgrading. I don't use over .5 gig a month on my line and not over 2GB on all 3 combined. Would the family plan work, probably, but I got unlimited so I knew what my bill would be every month without worrying about going over.
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