Though I've never used close to that much, it'd be rather easy to do. Say you're on a long roadtrip and the two kids in the backseat are driving you nuts. Get them some Netflix going and some peace of mind for yourself and you'll burn through data incredibly easily.
I stream a ton of music from Google Music, Pandora, Tune In and and don't even come close to 2 GB.
Video makes a world of difference and I fully understand what you are saying. The example that you give though is the exception, not the rule.
For as infrequently as that may happen, paying the overage once in a blue moon would be the only option.
If I had to guess based on reading this forum and others, those that use more than 5GB/month makes up less than a few percentage of the total Verizon customer base.
Sure we all want to keep our unlimited data but by Verizon doing this, they're alienating such a small percentage of their customer base that it actually is more profitable if the data hogs leave and go elsewhere.
At this point they can stay with Verizon and suck it up (most likely scenario) or go to Sprint (good luck with that).
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