Says the guy in ATL with 4G and high speed internet! Heckl you probably could use any call carrier you want. LOL wow that must be something.The ONLY provider here is VZ. If I want a cell phone it HAS TO BE Verizon. Your phone won't ring with AT&T or Sprint here.
My work depends on the Internet. Comcast swore up and down they had service here before I moved out here. They don't.
I signed a contract with VZ for "unlimited" data. They are now changing that arrangement. Their current plans are not fair! Nothing infuriates me more than going over my 5 GB limit on my WiFi card while my wife's phone has 1 Gb of usage. (Even if she had a limited 5GB a month plan the data is not shared between devices) it is simply NOT FAIR no matter how you look at it.
I do not paying for my usage but give me a fair deal!
The bottom line is that they sold you unlimited, and you have gotten unlimited. That was the contract you signed. They honored it, right?
Once that contract expires, they owe you nothing. They do not have to resign a contract with the same terms. You signed for two years of Unlimited. Maybe they let you resign once or ten times after that. But at any time, they do not have to resign that contract. And it doesn't matter how long they gave it to you. When it ends, it ends. That's it.
And they are not cheating you for ending it. Now, if during your 2 year contract they changed their tune, that's different.
Nobody owes you to renew a contract indefinitely. If they choose not to, that is their right.