Oh My Goodness... been weeks so slow and jumped to quite few pages:biggrin::blink:.
Here are some lists I gather of the discussion of Unlimited data so far:
1. It is in our culture to be selfish with others as long as it doesn't affect them, so this debate really nothing new (known worldwide too lol). Just sad that there are still not enough internet coverage in US and how some people being ignorant and selfish about this issue (answers like Move out of there or pay more for that satellite coverage). Funny thing is where I ironically read news about the need of third world country in Africa to access the world via Internet (they built towers, and now local people can access internet).
2. People refused to believe SquireCA about Throttling and Capping as we are talking about AMERICA. Heck, these companies wouldn't and couldn't believe that many Americans didn't do much to challenge it. Trust me I know lol..... many of these executives have implemented throttling and capping elsewhere but America just because they didn't believe they could pull it off. I guess they are such a happy camper now.
3. Phones today are not like the phones back in the day... this may sounds silly ofc for it just that Obvious! Phones are now capable to process things that before can only be done via PC. Users are now capable of using phones to completely replace Desktop/ Laptop. Forget tethering such as foxfi etc. to lay the blame at. The fact of the matter is Verizon are losing their $30 tethering program as now everything can be done via phone with HDMI output. Would you be willing to pay $60 to keep unlimited?
4. Please don't be rude to say that data hoggers are jobless or have no life. Technology are so advance nowadays, and like I have said before; phones today are capable to process things faster and with fast 4G LTE... everything move so seamlessly. (Shammo admitted this too that their fast 4G enable them to tinker some things up... and I know we wouldn't have this discussion if there are no 4G). People are lazy or in better word unable to carry around bulk stuff to do things on laptop or desktop via USB dongle or phone tethering hence will impact data usage. Now as phone are so powerful and mobile... they can sync and let datas flow like Niagara falls while they are working or still having normal social life with phone untouched.
5. $30 for blazing fast 4G LTE is way to cheap in compare to many home internets.... Like I said before... Verizon are a Premium company... but who are willing to increase their bill when so many already complained about paying near $200 monthly payment when in fact we should be paying around $250 in today's economy?
6. We are unknowingly live on a caste system. What do I mean by this? Like Peter Russel once said during his stand up that there are different type of cheapness. Things where people feel that the price "is just right". We all know that so many ISP are doing promotion to attract new customers where they supposedly charged $60, but because you are new... you can lock up 2 years contract for just $20. This ofc will bring more people on their network. $60 should bring them 2 millions but with their $20 programs... it adds 10 Millions people to their network and of course it will slow down the network. Here is where the terms beggars can't be choosers where people complained of not getting their intended speed as they paid for it... or I will drop your service if I can't keep the $20 price.....
7. I see more angry masses of people demanded Unlimited from expensive ISP provider compare to cheap ISP provider like ATT.
8. Add all of that problems caused by internet revolution with people watching TVs in their computer instead of paying cable companies or movie theaters, and the fact that MPAA/RIAA taking people to court just not effective enough... The only solution is to cap what people can use in order to slow things down abit. They think now it just better to take small steps to make people who used to download 10,000 songs into just 2500 songs for an example, and as we know it.... censoring what we can know and listen to is unconstitutional.
9. I don't know the impact of having cell towers near people's home.... I don't think it's that easy to just built new towers without opposition and compensation in hope of better coverage and speed. Just like I read news about an electrical company getting sued or rejected to build power plant in an empty lot due to safety concern.
Like I said tho if we don't take precautions then be prepare to have more limited freedom each day.