I have a question about the interpretation of the "clarified" statement. My husband and I upgraded to 4GLTE phones keeping our unlimited data so it sounds like we'll be fine staying with that until we want to change phones next. My husband's new Rezound was just stolen while I was having a medical emergency so we've temporarily reactivated a 3G Droid X that we previously used. There was a special message when we reactivated the 3G phone saying that we're going from a 4G to 3G phone and to activate a 4G phone we'd have to go through the website...yadda yadda yadda. Obviously that's because they want me to go through signing up for a 4G phone again...but we've done that on that line already and purposely didn't let them make any changes to billing (although the VZW customer service reps tried hard to sell me on that when I was having them deactivate the stolen phone) so we could keep the unlimited plan. Now, obviously, we aren't up for any contract upgrades anytime soon but if we find a Rezound off contract and purchase it from a third party, do you think that we can reactivate on a line that's already had 4g unlimited data but temp has a 3G phone on it? I'm just wondering what the time window is for this or if you interpret that "clarification" as if you use ANY phone that's unsubsidized, you can keep your plan?