This is false.
Definitely false. If that was true than your monthly bill would drop at the end of 24 months. It doesn't. You could basically think of the 2 year contract and subsequent month to month as renting your device.
This is false.
cybertec69 said:I have posted the SAME info a bit earlier, I know it was in English.
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Beka27 said:Definitely false. If that was true than your monthly bill would drop at the end of 24 months. It doesn't. You could basically think of the 2 year contract and subsequent month to month as renting your device.
Shadex was referring to Verizon's current system of buying subsidized phones and how they recoup from selling the phone at a reduced price. When you go month to month after your contract expires, because your plan costs do not go down then that is just more gravy for verizon. In addition, usually their plans have gone up in price by the time your contract expires, otherwise you would be jumping to renew your contract at their new lower rates but that is not the case.
Sent from my DROID RAZR using Droid Forums
Lol. I think we've all been reading so many of these threads that we're saying the same things over and over and contradicting each other. The truth is, whatever happens happens. We can call and email and speculate until the cows come home... But vzw is gonna do whatever they want.
Lol. I think we've all been reading so many of these threads that we're saying the same things over and over and contradicting each other. The truth is, whatever happens happens. We can call and email and speculate until the cows come home... But vzw is gonna do whatever they want.
Beka27 said:Definitely false. If that was true than your monthly bill would drop at the end of 24 months. It doesn't. You could basically think of the 2 year contract and subsequent month to month as renting your device.
It most definitely IS true that the phone companies charge you a little extra each month to make up for the phone subsidy (the money they lose when they buy a phone from the manufacturer for $400 or $500 and then sell it to you for $199).
As I've said before, phone companies LOVE customers that don't upgrade to a new phone after 2 years. Extra profit margin for them (since they don't lower the price after 2 years)
And why is it that Verizon will let you keep your unlimited data if you don't upgrade? Because they're making more money on you when their not paying to subsidise your phone! This ain't rocket science.