3 weeks into my billing, I've used 0.033 GB of data. Why do I care if they limit me to 2 gb, I don't even use 1?
you may not care, and many less-power user won't either, there are also many others than use 2GB+ data a month legitimately, myself included. When I added the new expense of a smartphone, I made it worth it by using it to its fullest. I got rid of my ipod and now stream a lot of music. I sync a lot of stuff to the cloud. I watch videos when I travel. The bottom line is that they are providing less for the same price. Obviously without unlimited, its always going to be less, but the $30 price point could have been something a little more than 2GB. And for users like you, they could offer a smaller package for less than $30. But of course they would never do that because that means ton of people paying the required $30/mo would now start paying less, and they'd lose money.