so lets say it took a year to compile i wonder how many new android users there are in that year plus Netflix and other apps just like yep i too believe the study
.,.just saying
And also bear in mind that the Nielsen study also showed that for the 95th percentile (those under 2 GB per month), their data usage from the previous year to current year has increased 109%. If you assume the same growth rate (which wouldn't necessarily be out of line), by 2012 those same 95th percentile will be using under 3 GB per month (if the growth is progressive) or under 4 GB per month (if the growth is geometric and it is doubling each year). So this would mean that one year after implementing tiered data plans, the subscribers who will be paying the same ($30 for 2 GB) is going to be paying more because they will get hit with overages.
and that's exactly why tiers are necessary. as i already agreed to, the usage is increasing exponentially and so are the amount of people who own smartphones. there is no way verizon could maintain a viable network if data consumption is increasing like that. like i said if their LTE network was giving you 3G speeds, everyone would be up in arms.
And also bear in mind that the Nielsen study also showed that for the 95th percentile (those under 2 GB per month), their data usage from the previous year to current year has increased 109%. If you assume the same growth rate (which wouldn't necessarily be out of line), by 2012 those same 95th percentile will be using under 3 GB per month (if the growth is progressive) or under 4 GB per month (if the growth is geometric and it is doubling each year). So this would mean that one year after implementing tiered data plans, the subscribers who will be paying the same ($30 for 2 GB) is going to be paying more because they will get hit with overages.
and that's exactly why tiers are necessary. as i already agreed to, the usage is increasing exponentially and so are the amount of people who own smartphones. there is no way verizon could maintain a viable network if data consumption is increasing like that. like i said if their LTE network was giving you 3G speeds, everyone would be up in arms.
THe problem that I have with it goes back to the buffet analogy. If they say all you can eat for $30 a month, and so as time goes on you gain the capacity to eat more, and so they just start jacking up the price... I don't agree with that.
They were the ones that said all you can eat. And they have been pushing phones, showing Netflix and streaming video and touting all the cool things they want you to do with the phone. So people start doing that, and once people are using the phones as they have been sold to them, VZW wants to complain that data is being consumed and that they need to charge more for it?
I understand the need to make money, been in Corporate America a long time and am very pro-Capitalist and all that. However, I do think that there are times when these companies get greedy, they think that enough people are hooked and that they can tighten the screws and that the majority of their customers will just suck it up and pay up.
Now, the average person may not use more than 2GB. And if that is the case, if most people don't use that much, then how stressed is their network really? I mean, if using too much bandwidth is part of the justification for the massive price increase, and yet they say that most people never come close to that amount of data, then is it really justified?
Or is it simple a case of them seeing a million users who obviously do use/need that much data, and figuring, "Hey, an extra $30 a month on average, times 125,000 high bandwidth customers, is $45 million dollars a year in new revenue".
That's 45 million dollars, free money, for doing exactly what they are doing today. No additional features, no additional speed. Just jack the price up on the minority of your customer base so as to not upset the larger apple cart, and basically just print yourself 45 million bux.
Hell of a business model, right?
And after charging those exhorbitant rates, they still want a seperate plan for tethering?
Honkey please...
<---loves the unlimited plan and yes in a market that is doubling and tripling in a year thing could be little off don't. you think just saying...
anyway back on topic Antone know how close these plan prices atr
Mobile hotspot access will cost $20 a month for 2GB of data.
Other points to note (many of which are detailed in an internal e-mail we've posted after the break):
If you have Verizon's $29.99 unlimited data plan, you'll be able to keep it after July 7.
You'll also be able to keep the $29.99 unlimited plan when you upgrade to a new phone. (No word on if there's a pricing difference or when that policy could change.)
If you add a line to an existing account, you'll not be able to chose the $29.99 unlimited data plan.
If you're a new customer between now and July 7, you'll still be able to choose the $29.99 plan.
So if you're in the market for a Verizon phone and want to get in on the current unlimited plans before the major changes take effect, you've got two weeks, folks
and that's exactly why tiers are necessary. as i already agreed to, the usage is increasing exponentially and so are the amount of people who own smartphones. there is no way verizon could maintain a viable network if data consumption is increasing like that. like i said if their LTE network was giving you 3G speeds, everyone would be up in arms.
THe problem that I have with it goes back to the buffet analogy. If they say all you can eat for $30 a month, and so as time goes on you gain the capacity to eat more, and so they just start jacking up the price... I don't agree with that.
They were the ones that said all you can eat. And they have been pushing phones, showing Netflix and streaming video and touting all the cool things they want you to do with the phone. So people start doing that, and once people are using the phones as they have been sold to them, VZW wants to complain that data is being consumed and that they need to charge more for it?
I understand the need to make money, been in Corporate America a long time and am very pro-Capitalist and all that. However, I do think that there are times when these companies get greedy, they think that enough people are hooked and that they can tighten the screws and that the majority of their customers will just suck it up and pay up.
Now, the average person may not use more than 2GB. And if that is the case, if most people don't use that much, then how stressed is their network really? I mean, if using too much bandwidth is part of the justification for the massive price increase, and yet they say that most people never come close to that amount of data, then is it really justified?
Or is it simple a case of them seeing a million users who obviously do use/need that much data, and figuring, "Hey, an extra $30 a month on average, times 125,000 high bandwidth customers, is $45 million dollars a year in new revenue".
That's 45 million dollars, free money, for doing exactly what they are doing today. No additional features, no additional speed. Just jack the price up on the minority of your customer base so as to not upset the larger apple cart, and basically just print yourself 45 million bux.
Hell of a business model, right?
And after charging those exhorbitant rates, they still want a seperate plan for tethering?
Honkey please...
what's greed though? are there companies out there that aren't considered "greedy"? are there companies that give away their product? Can you name one for profit company that can be considered not "greedy"? i mean saying "they're so greedy" is easy to say, but what company isn't "greedy"?
Of course they want money, of course they want more money, and of course they can get that money for pretty much nothing. it's greed to us, it's common sense for a business owner. if you owned a business and had a way to get 45 mill free money, would you say "oh but the customer will be hurt..."? doubtful (and if you would, respect to you, but that's not the way to run a successful business as cutthroat as it is).
Does Verizon "need" more money. Nah. Do they "want" it? Sure. Are they wrong for wanting it? Nope. What company wouldn't do this? I know there are Google worshippers here who think that Google is fighting for humanity and would never do such things, but Google would do it too. No company is going to turn down 45 million free dollars to do the right thing. So if that makes them greedy, so be it. It's business, not charity.
if someone beat me to this then oh well not gonna search for it.
today i spoke to the Cell Rep at my Costco in Concord,Ca i asked him is it official about the new data plans he said YES! as of Monday morning (06/20/11) The new Tiered Plan has become official and will kick in 07/07/11.
Anyone who has the unlimited data plan WILL BE GRANDFATHERED IN!:icon_ banana:
Anyone who gets A NEW Contract or New Upgrade by 7/07/11 WILL BE GRANDFATHERED IN! dancedroid
Even if you get a new contract or upgrade on 7/06/11 with the unlimited data plan. you will be grandfathered in.
Anyone after 7/07/11 well sorry about your bad luck.
on another note. he said that their are reasons behind this new plan. he only told me the main two.
1. The main reason is due to the ROOTED users stealing with WiFi Tethering. supposedly their was an average of 10,000Gb a month being stolen with out payment.
2. the other reason is because Verizon did a study on how much ppl are actually using on the unlimited data plan and they found out that they use an average of 1-1.25GB a month. thats per user (besides ROOTED USER). so verizon decided that ppl are paying 30 a month and not even using it to the fullest and so thats how they came up with the Tiered Plan so that way you get your full moneys worth.
I know most of you are pissed about this, others dont care, and some are worried about upgrading their phone by the 7th. So all i have to say is deal with it. this is what happens when they do studies and ppl steal. its not gonna go anywhere for a while. so this is what i got so far anything else comes up i will let you know.
More (of the same) info leaked...but in detail: Verizon's new data plans broken down in complete detail | Android Central
Let's hope the bolded portion is true. It's by far the most important for all of us complaining, since we're the actual, current customers.Mobile hotspot access will cost $20 a month for 2GB of data.
Other points to note (many of which are detailed in an internal e-mail we've posted after the break):
If you have Verizon's $29.99 unlimited data plan, you'll be able to keep it after July 7.
You'll also be able to keep the $29.99 unlimited plan when you upgrade to a new phone. (No word on if there's a pricing difference or when that policy could change.)
If you add a line to an existing account, you'll not be able to chose the $29.99 unlimited data plan.
If you're a new customer between now and July 7, you'll still be able to choose the $29.99 plan.
So if you're in the market for a Verizon phone and want to get in on the current unlimited plans before the major changes take effect, you've got two weeks, folks
Now to the big dilemma: do I buy a 2nd line now for my future child who doesn't exist yet? I want to pass down the unlimited data for generations to come!