it is easy to not understand, when as you pointed out, it doesn't effect you.
Let's say that VZW does away with tiers and goes to a simple consumption fee. Using your logic, that is COMPLETELY fair, as everyone will simply pay for what they use.
And let's say they charge per MB, and as a result, even your modest usage gets you an average of a $200 phone bill each month for one phone on one line.
Will you be fine with that?
This is assuming that I'm made aware of the charges before signing up, right? If I calculate that with my current usage I'll be paying $200 a month, why would I sign up? I wouldn't. And I definitely wouldn't, complain every month, and continue paying.
Again, I'm just trying to understand the logic. If you truly feel something is unfair why do you keep supporting the company? Like I said, I think people just want a reason to complain.
And of course, if Verizon moved to pay per meg, obviously it would be priced so that it's affordable. Your hypothetical is not logical.
Why do people like me "support" the company? Because they lock you in with a contract, so that when they don't deliver, or they do things that would cause you to leave, you have a "barrier to exit"...
If cell phone contrats were made illegal, you would see a vastly different landscape in this market, as companies would have to actually listen to customers, deliver good service, etc...
Now, once they get you signed up, they can pretty much do whatever they want, provide crappy service and all that, because you have to pay THEM to leave when THEY provided the poor service.
But as we have discussed before, if they tried to change my plan, I would simply toss the phone in the trash, go to Sprint and call it a day.
i would still eat the ETF if i was truly unhappy, that's a one time payment. Rather then paying $200/month for 24 months because I don't want to pay an ETF. Again, counter-productive and things that you know before signing the contract.
It simply is not sensible to do what some people do. Complain non-stop, pay $200/month on their bill for 2 years, then be the first in line to get a new phone to do it all over again for another 2 years. But the $325 ETF is an "OMG I WOULD NEVERRRR PAY THAT!!!" phenomenon.