again, people aren't using that much data. it's not happening. there is a huge group that is using less than 2GB, and then some small group using 50GB a month. those people should pay extra. i fail to see why people are upset about this. i think it's fair, not unfair. why should i, who uses no data at all, pay the same amount as someone using 20 times the amount i use?
If most people are not using that much data, then there really isn't a cost justification for the price increase, is there?
If it will hardly effect many people, then why do it?
I think that 2GB is too low for the basic plan, because as I said, watching one full lenfth movie per week on Netflix will put you over that easily.
On today's phones, with things like Netflix and YouTube and today's web content, 2GB in a month just isn't all that much data. why wouldn't they do it? what logical reason would a company have for not doing what they're doing? you've already said they're greedy and they're going to get free money from this. so if that's true, why wouldn't they do it?
if the customer could save a ton of money vs verizon saving a very little amount of money, they will always go with themselves saving a very little. no company on the planet would go the other way.