what other choice do you have? sprint? they're going to go tiered too. some crappy carrier with no coverage? i guess you can do that if you want to prove a point.
i personally think people just need something to complain about. i dont think i'm getting "screwed". this is not going to affect me in anyway said:
Why SHOULD they pay more? I mean, we are not talking about someone abusing things and taking up 100GB a month.
We are talking about 2GB on what was an UNLIMITED plan. 2GB, as I have pointed out 5 times now, isn't that much. Netflix eats that up at a rate of 2 hours per week.
So people that use data like me, are getting screwed, because 2GB is not abusing an UNLIMITED plan.
I am simply sick and tired of businesses and government trying to rape the people for every penny they can. We pay a lot in taxes, we pay sales tax, payroll taxes, property taxes, taxes on gasoline, etc... And now they want to start charging you every year based on how many miles you drove? By driving more, am I not already paying more gasoline taxes than the person who only drives 50 miles a week?
My point, is when does it end? When the average American, buy the time we are done with all the taxes, pays in excess of 50% of our wages in taxes, and yet we are told that it isn't enough, we have to pay more, even though I am not getting any extra benefit from it. Someone else just decided that they wanted more money and so they point a gun at my head and demand it. We work from January 1 to July 1, for free. For the first 6 months of every year, we don't make a single dime. It all goes to pay our tax burden. Only after July do we get to keep anything. And still they want more.
The same thing is happening to a large extent here. Phones and smart phones were gadgets and more of a luxury at one time. Now that they are so firmly entrenched in our daily lives and business, they know that we cannot let them go. So they seek ways to just keep charging more and more without actually giving us anything more for our dollar.
So like government, when does it end?
How much is enough? When your phone starts costing more than your electric bill or your car payment, will that be enough?