Although you are correct on alot of points in the article you will not be subject to pay retail for your future phones. You will still be able to upgrade your device and keep unlimited data. You just can't add lines and such that actually change the plan itself. As long as you are just upgrading a device you will be fine
Right I understand that. What I was saying is that people that have regular phones or feature phones now that may have been waiting for say a Bionic will now have to run out and get a Tbolt or Charge even though they dont really want it just to lock in the unlimited. Then when the bionic comes out they will have to pay full retial for one if they want that. Thats just an example, but thats where I was going with that particular statement. Anyone that currently had the unlimited seems to be good for life, as long as they dont mess with anything.
In my case though i am only good for about 6 years before i have to go to tiered. All because of having to add lines in the future. I have 3 kids but my oldest is only 6
Im also not so sure about that. Its my understanding if you add lines only the new lines get tiered. Of course once everyone gets on you want to take advantage of the shared data of the new family plans.