I understand why Verizon is doing this and I totally agree that the should throttle excessive users (if it is better for the overall network).
However, I think that a 2gb cap is far too low and unfair. I consistently use around 2 - 3gb per billing cycle and I don't think this is an "excessive" amount of data usage. I take public transportation, so I spend a lot of time on the train browsing the web and using music apps like Pandora. Between the two, it is fairly difficult for me to stay under 2gb.
If the cap were 3gb/4gb, that would be more understandable and tolerable but I'm paying $120+ a month for this service and it really annoys me that they're going to chop me down to 1X when I'm not doing anything to violate their terms and conditions (i.e., tethering).
If they follow through with this, I will definitely be leaving Verizon just on principal alone. I can't, in good conscious, pay $120+ a month for service only to be "throttled" when I reach 2gb, which is not even an excessive amount of data (especially when consider that I'm not tethering at all).
Good thing Sprint coverage is pretty good in my area. Like I said before, 3G on Verizon is plenty fast for me so 4G on Sprint should suit my needs just fine.