Hi Viper, thanks for sharing your time on here.
Today I was playing a game on my phone called Project INF, a very popular game (>250,000 downloads, 4 1/2 stars) that normally runs fine. However, as soon as I joined their server and loaded on the map, my phone wouldn't respond. I could see other players moving and chatting, but my touch screen wouldn't work, I couldn't move. So I thought I'd try to restart the game. Pressed home, back, and menu soft keys, but none of them responded, and they didn't light up. I pressed the power button on the top of my phone to make it sleep, and when I pressed it again, it wouldn't turn back on.
Next, I did a battery pull. Was able to restart and get it going. However, the soft keys and keyboard wouldn't light up. I was altering the settings and running differnet apps to try to get it running, which didn't work. Then I tapped the power button again to have it go into sleep mode, pressed it again to wake it, and then they both worked
Should I be concerned that I have a problem in my droid? I've had it for over a month and this is the first major problem ive had with it. Or is this one of those occassional errors that happens on your computer? Thanks