You can trust Verizon to do what is in the best interest of... Verizon. Nothing to see here folks, move along...
Exactly. Business is business otherwise it wouldn't be business. Verizon is still a better carrier than just about every other network out there and while I don't agree with them placing restrictions on such small aspects of communication as wi-fi tethering, I can definitely say that from a strictly professional stand-point they are not in the wrong and fully justified.
That said, I disagree with this wholeheartedly! Everything inside me is screaming at this news. I love the Android OS and Droid devices for the exact reason that you are not restricted to one corporations software and infrastructure and anyone that knows how- can generate code and create applications, themes and even entire ROMs built from the ground up to run on these amazing machines. Verizon is the most expensive carrier out there and while their network is fully worth the extra monthly financial drain, they should also realize that people that pay extra should receive some sort of added bonus, like not being restricted to the ridiculous $20 a month to use the 3G hotspot service that Verizon offers. They are already getting the highest percentage of the mobile market, already turning a massive profit with home services and already charging the highest data rates. Why do they feel that these wi-fi tethering apps are such a threat. Either way, the end-user is putting money into their pocket by being under a service contract. The apps use their 3G/4G networks to allow for connectivity. These apps aren't being used by the majority of end-users, most of whom are content to use the software provided, who do system updates as prescribed by Verizon and who have no clue what the terms: root, SBF, flash, ROM, bootloader, recovery, etc... are in relation to their cellular telephones. I myself was one of those people until just a few months ago. Sure I've heard of something called jailbreaking but never once thought about actually trying something that would void my precious warranty. Being able to have more control over my the devices I paid several hundred dollars for just felt like it was the right thing to do.
I know this post or any others like it aren't going to change anything. Verizon Wireless is a global superpower in the telecommunication industry as well as other industries dealing with data/cellular/cable services. They didn't become as such by giving away free use of data. As a 30 year old adult living in a modern society I completely understand how and why companies have contracts, guidelines and policies in place. I just don't understand why a company with such a strong backbone of devoted end-users can't "look the other way" on some insignificant issues. It's not like someone with a wifi tether app on his rooted droid is going to set up and maintain a network of computers and rely entirely on that droid to absolutely handle their network bandwidth requirements. People are using this almost as LAST RESORT when no better choice or any other choice of internet access is available and like I said earlier, THE DATA IS STILL BEING TRANSFERRED THROUGH VERIZON WIRELESS SERVERS and people are STILL PAYING EVERY MONTH to be able to use their precious smartphones. Until someone finds a way to completely bypass any and all global network infrastructure Verizon and the rest of the multi-billion dollar mega-corporations need to keep in mind their rates, fees and the fact that an average smartphone costs at minimum $200 dollars without contract.
Dear, Verizon Wireless please let people enjoy their well deserved and well paid-for freedom from closed source programming and specified, single infrastructure device connectivity such as your competitors use, stop trying to charge them for every aspect of communication, and stop trying to control and limit how they use the technology after their money went and continues to flow endlessly into your pockets!!
This is my two cents. I know I said nothing original or creatively thoughtful.