What exactly are you talking about with this post? Rooting and jailbreaking are legal to do, but also void your warranty. And we're not talking about spikes in usage. We're talking about data being sent and received in different methods. They can tell these things.
Because you all seem to forget that the data travels to the phone first therefore the data would be tracked back to the phone.
Now how else are you going to prove someone is tethering?
Sent from my Droid
So the device that is tethered sends no packet information? It's invisible to the network? LOL...like it just doesn't exist as far as VZW is concerned? There is no way whatsoever that they can tell that you're using a laptop instead of a cellphone. That's what you're saying?
Wow, the android devs are amazing. They've figured out a way to make something that's connected to the internet leave no footprint whatsoever. Why isn't the government hiring these all knowing powerful devs??
So they can track data sent from the phone to laptop or PC? Hmm don't transfer anything through USB cable to PC that you have downloaded with phone that would be stealing?
Give me a break.
Sent from my Droid