when your tethered PC goes and checks MS update, or your xbox logs on over tether you dont think verizon sees it?
it'd be really easy to isolate non android ip traffic from PC/mac/gaming system traffic, and compare it to a list of those that pay for tethering.
I would love to see a tiered dataos plan that allows you to actually use the data you buy however you want.
So why is it that there line of defense is to remove the apps from market, if they truly can tell who tethers and who doesn't why not shut them down?
The fact is they can't prove who does and doesn't.
Trust me if they knew all tethered phones would know it.
Like I said think what you want. Believe vzw when they say they know who you are.
Such mindless creatures.
Sent from my Droid
What do you think is cheaper? Sending an e-mail to each tetherer and field calls and e-mails of denials? Or pulling the tethering apps from the market and eventually pushing out an update to all phones to disable tethering apps and put up a paywall?