Where I live, dial up is the only way I can connect to my internet, other than my phone. I have pdanet which works fine and I've never had complaints. Wireless is easier, and more convenient and is why I prefer it. Now most new smart phones offer both wired and wireless tethering at $20 a month. In my opinion, ridiculous. Through pdanet, I pay a one time fee and no complaints from vzw. However, it becomes a problem when wireless comes into the equation. I could understand if people actually use it as a hotspot where other users tap into it but in my experience that is very rare. More than one person using the hotspot is too slow to serve any valuable purpose. When I pay $30 a month for the unlimited data plan i find it hard to pay another $20 a month to just have access to wireless tethering. The cell companies already overcharge for what they offer. Don't get me wrong, I could not live without my Dinc but is hard to know that i'm paying for services that are making these companies sooo much money and they are still trying to find ways to make more, off services that SHOULD be included in the data plan.
Very well said. I to live in rural area with limited means to internet. I have the 5gb access card play games and more. Now when it comes to large files I turn on my phone fire up the stock browser (on phone no tether) download then transfer via USB to PC.
I tether when I'm on the road.
Sent from my Droid