I think everyone gets wrapped up in this debate for 2 reasons.
1. If you come on here and voice your opinion and it is not for Verizon multiple people start attacking you. Naturally you will defend yourself.
2. Seems that these kind of topics cannot be opinionated. The seem to be its illegal you are wrong.
Maybe all the analogies would stop if the topic was not this way.
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I think its more like your guilty conscience puts you on the offensive when someone calls you out. Like I said the tetherers are trying way too hard to convince (themselves?) others that they're in the right. Its transparent.
Guilty conscience? Please. If people who tether had a guilty conscience over it, they would simply not do it. I believe the people on here attacking the users who tether are simply trying to fulfill their immature need for self-righteousness, declaring right from wrong, good from bad, painting every picture with themselves up on a pedestal.
Sounds like a right wing Christian - gays are wrong too huh? And fornication makes you evil. Not that I'm trying to change topics - its just that these users are flaming anyone who doesn't agree. Its reminiscent of other moral issues, since that seems to be what the topic is boiling down to.
Ha ha I know your right. I finally got tired of trying to fight off 3 or 4 people at a time.
I do check in and see if there is actually anything new about the topic.
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I feel you. I guess that's just what you have to deal with for being in the "deviant" part of society. lol
unless explicitly stated, sent from my liberated X.
mm, gingerbread ^_^