: ) I rescued him......Blue Nose PitBull....and he is the friendliest dog : ) he loves dogs, even tiny chihuahuas.
My gf and I are ridiculously jealous of you.
tappin and a talkin
It's funny to see little dogs attack him and he runs away. He's all buff and knarly looking but he's a little baby. It's ridiculous lol
He's great.
: ) I rescued him......Blue Nose PitBull....and he is the friendliest dog : ) he loves dogs, even tiny chihuahuas.
My gf and I are ridiculously jealous of you.
tappin and a talkin
It's funny to see little dogs attack him and he runs away. He's all buff and knarly looking but he's a little baby. It's ridiculous lol
He's great.
Ii was busy feeding my 7 birds and 5 cats. That's where I was
Ii was busy feeding my 7 birds and 5 cats. That's where I was
Using Swpye?? If you are nice to see I'm not the only one that can't get rid of that dam Ii...
Is that a chix wing the Macaw in the first pic has?? My african grey LOVED chicken, lol. Do any of the birds mess with the cats?? Mine used to love to terrorize my roommates cats.
I was busy feeding my 7 birds and 5 cats. That's where I was
Here's some photos of some of my birds and cats. I'm always asked how the birds and cats get along, you will see a picture of my cockatoo Tyler and Andy one of my cats sitting on my lap. That black blur is the cat. Tyler is looking into the camera.
The first picture is my Blue and Gold Macaw Harley eating a chicken leg. Kentucky Fried Chicken. He breaks the bone open and eats the marrow.
: ) I rescued him......My gf and I are ridiculously jealous of you.
tappin and a talkin
It's funny to see little dogs attack him and he runs away. He's all buff and knarly looking but he's a little baby. It's ridiculous lol
He's great.
I do know that C/K's dog wears sunglasses :icon_cool: