Follow my instructions CAREFULLY.
o) Install this:
USB and PC Charging Drivers - Motorola Mobility, Inc. USA
o) Download this: SamuriHL_HouseOfBionic(FULL).zip - *********** - online file sharing and storage - download - Samuri HL
o) Unzip it to your desktop
o) Download this:
o) Unzip it to your desktop (It will ask to overwrite files if you did it right. Say YES)
o) Plug your phone in to USB.
o) Shut your phone off.
o) While holding volume up and down at the same time, press power
o) Volume down to AP Fastboot and press volume up
o) run the RUNME.bat in the SamuriHL_HouseOfBionic folder on your desktop
o) Select option d on the first menu
o) Select option 2 on the second menu
o) WAIT and touch NOTHING until it's done
Follow these directions EXACTLY and you'll be back on 905.