Very depressing information. I guess that's one thing the apple fanboys will have over me, the camera quality is superior.
Isn't that more so because of the instant processing and saturation settings that the iPhone has..?
I have used all three phones and don't think that any of them are really noticeably different than the others. The Thunderbolt has quite a few options and filters on the stock camera, so I think that gives the TBolt a bit of an advantage over the DX.
Sounds good to me, makes sense. I've found with the Droid X is you CAN get really good pics but you have to be REALLY still, hold your breath to limit shaking, and make sure you half click the button so it can focus, then full click making sure the light is good enough. Most of the time though, if not doing this, I'd tend to get that muddy painting look when you magnify it. Either way though, if it's as good as the Droid X or better yet, better, it's fine. It's a phone camera not an SLR. But if the Thunderbolt is better, than that's good news.