Yeah, let's not take an already touchy situation, and bring politics into it.... I come here to escape politics..... We all have our opinions, let's go to the appropriate web site forums to express them, but leave them out of here.
Anyway, back on track. I thing the problem we are not hearing about, is the Bitfone issue. It's the only one, so far, that makes sense to me. What I don't understand is why we are not hearing about it. Was it that bad, or embarrassing that they would rather not speak of it? Or, is the fact that there are so many leaks from Moto and VZW employees, that any news is being closely held? Or is it that HP/Bitfone and Motorola are working on the problem, and keeping VZW out of the loop until it's fixed? Doesn't make sense, but it's just a thought.
Any of the above make sense. What doesn't make sense is the constant talks about bugs in the software. There are probably half a dozen ESE53 ROM's being touted in the forums, and if they are generally running fine, then that gives lie to the statement that "a last minute bug was found in the update". I can sort of buy radio issues, because the ROMs built with ESE53, as far as I know do not contain the radio update file, but, for some reason I am less than convinced at this point.
I still maintain that something went real bad with Bitfone on the day of the update, and HP and Motorola are keeping a lid on what happened, and the progress to fix the problem until they are ready to let everyone know.