and you're not understanding mine. how can you turn a minus into a positive by investing more money? just answer that, that's all i want to know.
and what loopholes? you think that devs won't try to find a way to somehow trick the system to think they haven't rooted? i mean they found a way to tether illegally, a way to commit insurance/warranty fraud, and a way to remove throttles (for t-mobile although verizon users blindly worshipped the devs who said this was possible and swore "double the dl speeds!!"), and you're saying they will just stop trying to find loopholes? that suddenly every dev and basement wanna be popular guy is going to say "VZW is so AWESOME!!!! we don't need anything more!!!". i dont get it. your faith in the android community doesnt make sense.
You have to sign up with the carrier for a DEV plan. Before you get your phone. It doesn't matter if you aren't rooted. You are on a DEV plan. You are a root user in their eyes.. they charge your accordingly.
How do you make money by investing money...???? Are you serious?
Czerdrill.. you have made a lot of good points, but this is just a really bad statement or your part.
ALL Business opportunities require investments. You have to spend money to make money. How do you propose to make money without spending money. If you could tell me that. I would drop out of school right now and join you on a business venture.
Please review the OP and note that I said I would do a break even analysis. Do you know what that is? Thats a graphical depiction which accounts for all fixed and variable costs, and all revenue streams, to show the exact amount of devices you would have to sell to start achieving profit. I am really confused at what you are getting at now...?
{{ WugFresh }}
lol you are absolutely correct, and i apologize for any confusion. i dont mean they wont make money by investing money. what i mean is they'll only lose money by doing what your plan says. i dont see a way for them to make money by giving users that much power. its like me investing in enron right now. clearly i'm not going to make money. this plan doesnt afford them the possiblity of making money. how could they, when the current state of events requires no investment from them? charge our customers if they illegally tether, and dont allow a warranty replacement if we found out they rooted. how could allow "our customers to tether without paying extra, release extra devices for root users, train extra staff to handle root issues, and put root users on a special insurance plan" allow any profit?
1. Customers will pay for tethering, because the tiered data plans will either cost more, or the cost of other things will be raised accordingly
2. Release extra devices???? You mean sell more phones... get more customers???
3. No extra staff. Some fixed costs for resources, some legal fees for policies.
How to profit... Lets see..
Show a huge competitive advantage over companies that lock it down, because they are giving their customers the ability to personalize their devices.. to offer them the real android experience. To tap into a niche that has yet to be explored. To get iPhone users to switch to android, because for once. "Droid Does" is actually true, and Droids will be more customizable and better for end-users. Showing a device that is better for customers, attracts more customers... causes a boom in business, and opens up a whole new market.
Policies will offset any negative affects. The result will only be positive, because the overall effect will be A LOT of NEW business.
{{ WugFresh }}