As a side note this new full update will not work once you use last weeks OTA update. The script specifically looks at what you currently have running.
Maybe there wouldn't have been so much confusion if that sentence made any sense.
As a side note this new full update will not work if you installed last weeks OTA update. The script specifically looks at what you currently have running.
So whoever is mad that there are questions, please brush your english skills off.
Ohh, zinged!
It's also a good thing I'm not actually mad there are questions.
If we're going to be grammar nazis here, though, how about capitalization nazis too? It's English.
Seriously, though, you raise a good point. I understood it completely because the latter half of the OP quote there made the first part clear to me -- but I'm used to interpreting things. I also thought I tried to clear things up in my post regarding people reading the OP, so my apologies to anyone who was offended that my post sounded a little angry.:beer2: Have one on me?