That's kinda what I'm curious about. Me and my friend did this manual update on our phones last night and so far they're great. Mine is a little laggy when opening the app drawer and scrolling left or right on the home screens, but it was always like that anyway. I'm also curious if this is 100% the same as the OTA update. I'm also kinda hoping that when the OTA update hits my phone I'll be able to do that one also just to see if it is different and speeds up the graphics on my phone.
Live wallpapers are sweet by the way... I'm running earthrot, and the choices range from the moon to the death star lol, all rotate and there's live backgrounds behind the "planets"
:icon_ banana:
Yeah live wallpapers are awesome. That is the exact same reason why I want to know, I want to make sure the performance is exactly the same. I notice that the little laggy part is when running the live wallpapers, if I use a regular wallpaper it runs smoother, but it's not bad I love live wallpapers and I'm running them. Once someone figures out how to root this new 2.1 and have a kernel for it I want to root just to overclock to 800mhz or 1ghz. I'm sure then it will be way better.
So basically I'm in the same boat, I just want to make sure its 100% to make sure the performance is the same. I doubt Google would not have time to make changes in one day, because the update went out to Verizon employees first. Then again who knows though right?
If someone can seriously confirm both updates are identical that would be awesome! :biggrin: