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Android 2.1 Update Rolls Out For Motorola Droid!

I will see your epic record and raise you 70

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Any possible bad effects from 2.1???

I'm just thinking back to my last Motorola phone with Verizon, it was a V710 that I bought when it first came out. It worked great and was free from any Verizon "restrictions" ie. moving data, ringtones, pics to and from the sd card. Anyway after about 4 months Verizon had a "mandatory update" and once you received it you lost all of the cool features, now having to use all of their pay services. Basically they took out many of the Motorola features and locked them out... Does anyone think that accepting this update might limit any of the features that we're already so used to enjoying???
Your chance of someone else getting the update before you and letting you know the negative side affects are pretty good, we'll know if the update is a restriction in disguise
How many have unrooted so they can get the update? I'm still hesitant to unroot. :huh:

I stashed a backup and the root update.zip in a subfolder on my sd card and went back to stock. If I don't get it tonight will take 5 min to go back to my working setup.
How many have unrooted so they can get the update? I'm still hesitant to unroot. :huh:
im not gonna unroot. I will apply the update when it is posted here, on my wifes droid, then play with it and see how it pans out...

The reason I'm leaning towards going back to stock to get the update is in hope that someone will reroot 2.1 fast. Like SeraphimSerapis did for the milestone update.
Yeah, I unrooted...at least I hope I did it correctly. Everything seems as though it worked but the last few commands in the tutorial that I was supposed to put in were invalid. Wish there was a menu in settings that said "rooted" or "stock" under the version and firmware. lol
i don't think ppl should be holding on tooth & nail as each second passes... bgr says the update will continue to roll out until the end of the week ..... it's only tuesday in case some got lost in the madness and forgot