Was it only etiquette that was breached?
Yes, that is what it boils down to.
No copyrights, trademarks, not other legal stuff was breached.
I am not denying what you are saying. I am pointing that there is a huge ethics problem with BDs actions. You may disagree.
My reasons for stating this:
-He claimed it was HIS code and HE built it from source with ERE81
-He asked for an accepted donations
-He flamed CM and Koush and then copies their product as his own
-He has been banned from AD for distributing copyrighted software (aka piracy)
-He complained about ROM Manager trashing his UD9.5 ROM and yet he was not capable of finding the problem, nor fixing it. I never did see him acknowledge that it was his cache file that caused the problem.
I did not want his removal. I wanted hm to come clean and acknowledge or defeend his actions. Instead we got a BS stroy about an XML file. My desire for action was based upon his unethical actions, dishonesty and theft.
I do not deny that many people think he improved upon the CM product. But to me the improvement is a matter of definition. I used UD9.8 and the only reason I went to CM was that I was looking for a more compact ROM. with UD9.8 I was left with about 20MB of space. With CM I have ~80MB. If I had not had more space left I would still be trying new ROMs.
I liked running UD9.8 But because we are rooting our phones, and literally exposing them to all sorts of nefarious actions, I want a ROM that I can trust. With such a pattern of dishonesty, deceit and/or incompetence I don't trust his ROMs.