It's really pitiful how this forum, especially when discussing something as trivial as a Droid, has lost its sense of morality. The people in DF (or at least, in this particular thread) are divided in opinions (and everyone has a right to their opinion). I myself have used almost every single ROM out there for my Droid... each has its pros and cons. I donate my hard-earned cash to those I feel deserve kudos for THEIR HARD WORK (NOT WORK OBTAINED AND DISTRIBUTED IN A DISHONEST FASHION). Yes, donating is a voluntary action, but with the intention of showing one's gratitude for what one thinks as that dev's OWN--that also means he/she gives credit to previous devs--(and HONEST work). In this case, BD, while wonderful in reaching to those people who need help, still LIED.
So anyway, some people here wish to side with one or the other. For me, I will use whatever ROM works best for my phone without any pirated software and the like. The individuals who wish to continue to be blinded by the glitter and sparkles that is UD, despite the lies and warez, good luck to you... just don't complain if, for some reason, your Droid acts up or whatever... that's your karma. For those people who strive to remain ethical and honest, stay the way you are! Don't try to persuade those who remain immature since they will not listen (for some reason, life's gotta throw them several curve balls before they wake up anyway lol).
Every story has several sides to it. I read and reread everything on this forum and others as well, regarding this issue, and it is childish. Just enjoy your Droids and see where they take you. Whether you decide to reside on lies or no lies, that's really up to you (hopefully, you'll make the right choice in the end and just drop this matter). I teach my kids honesty on a daily basis, even on trivial issues... and have chosen to just say it as it is. I don't understand really how some people can live with themselves, always erasing their tracks from lies, cheating, etc. Just tell the truth and get it over with! Better yet, let go of the egos, reach a compromise and shake hands like adults.
It's really pitiful how this forum, especially when discussing something as trivial as a Droid, has lost its sense of morality. The people in DF (or at least, in this particular thread) are divided in opinions (and everyone has a right to their opinion). I myself have used almost every single ROM out there for my Droid... each has its pros and cons. I donate my hard-earned cash to those I feel deserve kudos for THEIR HARD WORK (NOT WORK OBTAINED AND DISTRIBUTED IN A DISHONEST FASHION). Yes, donating is a voluntary action, but with the intention of showing one's gratitude for what one thinks as that dev's OWN--that also means he/she gives credit to previous devs--(and HONEST work). In this case, BD, while wonderful in reaching to those people who need help, still LIED.
So anyway, some people here wish to side with one or the other. For me, I will use whatever ROM works best for my phone without any pirated software and the like. The individuals who wish to continue to be blinded by the glitter and sparkles that is UD, despite the lies and warez, good luck to you... just don't complain if, for some reason, your Droid acts up or whatever... that's your karma. For those people who strive to remain ethical and honest, stay the way you are! Don't try to persuade those who remain immature since they will not listen (for some reason, life's gotta throw them several curve balls before they wake up anyway lol).
Every story has several sides to it. I read and reread everything on this forum and others as well, regarding this issue, and it is childish. Just enjoy your Droids and see where they take you. Whether you decide to reside on lies or no lies, that's really up to you (hopefully, you'll make the right choice in the end and just drop this matter). I teach my kids honesty on a daily basis, even on trivial issues... and have chosen to just say it as it is. I don't understand really how some people can live with themselves, always erasing their tracks from lies, cheating, etc. Just tell the truth and get it over with! Better yet, let go of the egos, reach a compromise and shake hands like adults.
Agreed (and I'm still here). Best thing anyone can teach another person is honesty and morals, how much better this place/country/world would be if we tried just a little harder toward that everyday.
"Yea lets close this thread so everyone can cry censorship!" But in the real world you cant go into the white house and accuse the president of stealing billions.... just doesnt happen! it is required for the greater good!
On another note, all this happened becasue of money... (Greed)... you can call it geek gonna call greed cred. because if BD stood with rom manager, instead of trying to make one himself....koush would have never said a word. Why you ask? Because lets face it BD had many followers and many people bought ROM manager becasue of UD...(i know i did) and if he left ROM mananger so would everyone who follows BD.... You can hide behind the righteous claim of just wanting credit where credit is due, but at the end if you UD was an active participant (yes we know you an still get UD from RM) in RM none of this would have occured.
Also in no way i am defending either side....just my opinion!
Greed destroys communities! Not Geek Cred! (whateva that means)
I give up half of you on this forum are completely incompetent! :icon_ banana: , probably flip burgers or stock grocery's at the super market for a living. :icon_ banana:
Insulting a person's occupation now? tsk tsk.
Alright I apologize on that it's just I feel like I'm trying to explain things in the simplest terms to the icy hot stuntaz and of course they still don't understand lol!
Does anyone notice the only people typing in bold or in large fonts are UD supporters? We're not blind, btw
Typing in bold won't get your point across.
Insulting a person's occupation now? tsk tsk.
Alright I apologize on that it's just I feel like I'm trying to explain things in the simplest terms to the icy hot stuntaz and of course they still don't understand lol!
MARKNESS, which one in the picture is you? Cool ride you have. :icon_ banana:
this is honestly the most childish behavior I have seen (read) in my life among "grown-ups". You all should be ashamed of yourselves. Atleast my decision to root or not is now an easy one, not that any of you care because you clearly are better than me because you can pimp your droid.
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