DroidForums.net & Ultimate Droid ROMs

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Sorry about that adrynalyne, it just amused me somewhat. How is that new rom coming? I really hope a lot of the former users of BD's rom try yours out.

I'm sure. Your sarcasm just hides how much a jerk you really are.

I'm not sure why you are attacking me. Can you please quote where I am being sarcastic? I was trying to make up for laughing at Markness. I tried your rom and think it has great potential. Its my understanding you have quite a following with a WM rom. We need someone here at DF to fill the void left behind by BD.

Any guess on how BD's departure will affect the reception your new rom receives?

I don't know, or care. I'm not expecting more, or less of a reception. A lot of the folks trying it now were previous fans of my work in windows mobile.

So, its not affected by this one way or another.

Wow that shows how little I know. I would have thought you would be ecstatic that BD is leaving given the huge following he had here. I think you mentioned earlier that the void left by BD would be filled. Oh well, silly me.

Nice try....
this thread has not been productive at all. It has just made things worst among posters here. Why has it not been closed. All I know is that everyone in this forum minus a few have been really helpful whether they are bd fans or cm fans. This thread has only served to separate the two sides. Opinions are great but most people can't separate emotions from their opinions. So it seems most people are seeing things through rose colored glasses. So please close this thread before it gets worst.

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The reason it hasn't been closed is because as of late there hasn't been any problems in this thread. It was only the last few posts that some issues have occurred.

Besides if we did close it 5 more would just turn up.

OK guys I hope everyone got it out of their system. Let's all try to get along and have a discussion, not a shouting match. Don't let one or two bad post make the whole thread ugly.
Nice try....

I don't understand. I did think you would have been ecstatic, but you corrected me. I know I would have been ecstatic for the potential of a ton more users if I was rom dev. Where is the sarcasm? Calm down. I think your new rom has great potential. Can you please stop with the attacks?
Hook is right, this thread needs to stay open.
this thread has not been productive at all. It has just made things worst among posters here. Why has it not been closed. All I know is that everyone
^I agree, why wasn't it closed in the first place before anyone commented?
Because now that it is done people should have the right to vent.

BD has a huge following and to not let them voice their displeasure over this would not be fair.

We extended the same courtesy to Cyanogens followers in the midst of this on their own thread. Why it continues in here I don't know.

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alright here is my attempt to bring civility back.. I LOVE YOU DROIDFORUMS....:icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana: AHHH YEAH THAT SHOULD DO IT...:)
If you guys need me....


Quote the full sentence first please.

If you guys need me I'll be coding over at alldroid and hoping RIL issues with the ZeusDroid Desire rom might fruitate soon :)

I think I was refering and being polite to everyone that has been PM'ing me and talking about things on here. They are more than welcome to PM me here or at alldroid if they need anything or want to chat about anything as we have been no reason to bust out laughing (in a very rude and sarcastic exclamated tone). I'm going to leave this topic alone and I wanted to be polite to others letting them know they are more than welcome to message me still. Grow up.
If you guys need me....


Quote the full sentence first please.

If you guys need me I'll be coding over at alldroid and hoping RIL issues with the ZeusDroid Desire rom might fruitate soon :)

I think I was refering and being polite to everyone that has been PM'ing me and talking about things on here. They are more than welcome to PM me here or at alldroid if they need anything or want to chat about anything as we have been no reason to bust out laughing (in a very rude and sarcastic exclamated tone). I'm going to leave this topic alone and I wanted to be polite to others letting them know they are more than welcome to message me still. Grow up.

Sorry that I find that so humorous. I laugh entirely too much.
Speaking on integrity, how many of you throwing stones have ILLEGALLY used your Droid as an access point?

Oh that's right, it's only illegal if you get caught right?
I will join also, but why limit your resources. Why not join every forum you can? Multitask

QFT. I may not agree with everything that happens at all of the different Android sites I am a part of; but I find ALL of them to be a valuable resource; both as a Droid user and a beginner dev. I am active here, on Alldroid, on MyDroidWorld, on Cyanogen forums, and on Android Central. I will probably register on BlackDroid's forum as well. Despite the past drama, I look forward to his future releases. First reason being, the more ROMs the better. Second reason, well, I honestly want to see if he's learned anything from this whole experience.

To the DF site staff, I do hope that you will consider re-allowing BlackDroid to post his ROMs in the future, IF he significantly changes the way he creates them. If his future work in totally on the up and up; I see no reason to continue to disallow him from posting it.
Speaking on integrity, how many of you throwing stones have ILLEGALLY used your Droid as an access point?

Wow, you were able to write a complete and coherent sentence. As for it being illegal, it isn't. It does state though in the TOS that they can charge you for data usage if they can somehow prove you modified the out of box state of your device and used it as a WiFi hot spot.
To the DF site staff, I do hope that you will consider re-allowing BlackDroid to post his ROMs in the future, IF he significantly changes the way he creates them. If his future work in totally on the up and up; I see no reason to continue to disallow him from posting it.
Absolutely Dave......

If he does what he says he is going to do we would welcome him posting his ROMS.
Speaking on integrity, how many of you throwing stones have ILLEGALLY used your Droid as an access point?

Wow, you were able to write a complete and coherent sentence. As for it being illegal, it isn't. It does state though in the TOS that they can charge you for data usage if they can somehow prove you modified the out of box state of your device and used it as a WiFi hot spot.

Oh goodie the CM troll took the bait.

And how can you enable it without modification since it is not an option out of the box? All you said was it's not illegal unless you get caught.
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