There are gonna be a lot of folks begging, pleading or demanding of VZW some way to get subsidized on these new offerings. VZW knows what is coming in terms of hardware, so certainly they would know what to expect from the end users.
I agree 100% but I also think the Providers have to get away from making profits on full price phones.
For example, if they pay 300-400 for a phone, why do they have to charge 599 without contract? I know they spend a lot of money subsidizing phones, but they get you "locked up" for that.
So, conversely, is it fair for them to make good sized profit because they aren't locking you in? I mean, they should get out of the phone business. They should sell them at or near cost not for profit. They would save themselves a lot in subsidy money if they did that. I know I'd pay 350-400 for a phone if I wasn't being locked in. If their service and reliability is up to par, they'll keep customers without locking them in.