Here's my take on this whole debacle...
The Bionic's a nice phone and has served me well since I purchased it in March 2012.
Either of the leaks (.246/.247) work quite well and they gave me the sense of having a new phone. So, whichever is the OTA, I can and will live with that.
If Motorola sees fit to push Jelly Bean to the Bionic in the future, that's great! If they don't, it's no great loss and so be it.
I will let the rest of my contract with Verizon play out; I can upgrade in a year or so. In the mean time, I shall study ALL phone/carrier options so as to be better prepared for my next smart phone selection.
When the time comes, I may or may not stay with Motorola. I WILL be looking for a phone that is NOT locked down and a carrier that doesn't unnecessarily load up said phone with bloat.