if using on demand profile nothing may be calling to ramp it up.if you have new kenel installed click menu button on phone-device selection-then auto detect speeds. it will check for root access and load new kernels info.
The slider goes to 1ghz when I do that but speed of the phone is still tapping out at 600 mhz. I have a 1ghz kernel installed, and we know thats there because it auto detected. Why isn't my speed increasing?
if you want to force full pseed all the time choose perfomance option under profiles.
I run on demand usually, seems best overall.
It worked that time, but I tried setting it at performance and somehow it kept going back to on demand. I have no idea why it wouldn't stick. I backed out of it and it went back to on demand as soon as I went back in. This thing is possessed. I don't see anyway to save settings.
How do I keep it on performance?