Motorola Droid Maintenance Release Prelude to Android 2.1

There is only "hype" in these forums that we frequent. ;)
In the real world it is not really hype. My father likes his Droid and is still learning. I tell him about some of the 2.1 stuff and he's excited about that but not in any rush (he knows about sholes in the Market too). I suspect most people are the same.

And for the hype in these forums, I don't get it. The people that are that excited about it should simply throw on a custom rom. The official 2.1 release will not be as good as what we already have. Sure, it will have some bug fixes and optimizations that the custom rom dev's will try and incorporate, but aside from that it is custom rom's FTW. :D
With all the different looks of the custom roms who really cares about 2.1 and all the miscues from Motorola.

have you had any problems with any apps not playing well with simply stunning 2.1 rom??

have you had any problems with any apps not playing well with simply stunning 2.1 rom??
So far so good. Only thing is the launcher force close and no auto backlight... But he is releasing an update today so who knows what will get fixed??? Plus he is bumping the OC up to 1.2GHz but I think ill stick with 1GHz its stable enough for me

Thats what i did im running the simply stunning 2.1 rom and i could not be happier :icon_ banana:

I'm afraid to. :)


BAM!! :icon_ banana:
Thats what i did im running the simply stunning 2.1 rom and i could not be happier :icon_ banana:

I'm afraid to. :)
Well, I wouldn't try and talk anyone into it. But if you are here, then you are capable. ;)
But I wouldn't do anything to my phone if I didn't have a backup or if the worse case scenario would be too "painful" (like if I couldn't afford to replace the Droid and the coffee table that it exploded on top of when flashing).

On this subject, I don't understand why the new 2.1 rom's are so popular. I would recommend Bugless Beast or Sholes - but not the new 2.1 versions. Those are not nearly as "bugless". :D
Thats what i did im running the simply stunning 2.1 rom and i could not be happier :icon_ banana:

I'm afraid to. :)
Well, I wouldn't try and talk anyone into it. But if you are here, then you are capable. ;)
But I wouldn't do anything to my phone if I didn't have a backup or if the worse case scenario would be too "painful" (like if I couldn't afford to replace the Droid and the coffee table that it exploded on top of when flashing).

On this subject, I don't understand why the new 2.1 rom's are so popular. I would recommend Bugless Beast or Sholes - but not the new 2.1 versions. Those are not nearly as "bugless". :D
The rooting process could not be simpler... IMO i am not a linux user by any means at all whatsoever and i did it first try. Then just make a nandroid backup and you always can go back to 2.0.1 or unroot and run stock if you would like. Im glad i rooted for drocap2 (screenshots) as well as wifi tethering. Two things i missed coming from winmo. And i like the fact that i can download a rom and flash it without ever coming close to a pc. DROID FTW!!

have you had any problems with any apps not playing well with simply stunning 2.1 rom??
All my apps in case you are interested

Album Art Grabber,1.1.3
App to QR,1.2
Barcode Scanner,3.1
Battery Status,3.0
Beautiful Widgets,2.85
Bloo,1.4.3c Beta
Camera ZOOM FX,2.3.0
Handcent Font Pack4,1.1
Handcent Sms,2.9.30
iCommando Lite,1.1.0
Linda File Manager,1.4.5
Mini Info,1.2.2
Mobile Defense,1.2.5
Music Control Free,1.1.0
My Verizon,2.0
OI File Manager,1.1.1
Root Explorer,2.6
Spare Parts,donut
Temp Monitor,1.0
Twidroid PRO,3.0.9
Wireless Tether for Root Users,2.0-pre3 (Eclair)
That rom looks really sweet may try it when i get home this evening. Does this rom have additional screens??

I am very excited about the official 2.1 coming out. I am running bugless beast 7.5 and am very please and not about to leave and get stock 2.1.

The reason I am excited is that when the official 2.1 comes to the Droid it will only improve the custom roms that are out there.