Things I have noticed after 24 hours (manual update):
Voice calls via bluetooth to my Pioneer AVIC-D3 still dont work well. It worked at first then after a few hours it connects, but no sound comes through and the phone then does a hard reset. Battery pulls have not fixed the problem.
Wi-Fi seems to be hit or miss. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt.
Going from screen to screen was nice and fast right after the update, now its back to how it was before, a little "jittery" at times.
Opening up my sms app seems to lag. I touch the app icon and it takes a second or two to open.
Voice call quality seems to have improved, but its not what it should be.
The drag down bar at the top is fast, much better than before.
Overall I am dissapointed with this update. I have done a few battery pulls to try to speed the phone up and nothing seems to work. I hope another update will follow soon.
Sorry to hear that... didn't have any of the problems prior to the update and now everything is still running well and even smoother
3g browsing speed seems to be faster for me noticeably. !!! :icon_ banana:
I agree, overall, I feel like there are more issues with this version than the last. Again, some testing, and documentation, is that too much to ask?
Here's my experiences...
Love the new lock screen, looks much nicer with a more elegant composition.
Internet seems to load faster which is great, but scrolling is 2 or 3 frames a second at best on non-phone or full sites. This got much worse than it used to be and IMO, this is terrible. One, why would they send out the update with such an obvious bug, and two, why can't they get as good as the iphone with this? Their tech is 2 or 3 years older, and works much much better.
Lock screen goes to black far to quickly.
Home screen and notifications bar are much smoother, but still hitch often. Again, Iphone has you beat.
Contacts, on the flip side, scrolls perfectly without a hitch, and I have 500 of them. So why here and not there?
Power management widget is bigger, blacker, and uglier IMO.
Beautiful Widgets has some trouble and may need an update. Weather isn't working well, and the temp Icon at the top is hit or miss as to whether it shows up or not.
Battery life seems to be better, but in general, the battery life on this phone seems to have gotten better with age.
Labyrinth Lite force closes every time now. Prolly lots of apps are gonna be broken. Robo Defense seems to run slower (choppier).
App page (bottom arrow on home) scrolls here is terrible and feels clunky but this was always the case.
If the camera is faster I can't tell. I dont use it that much, but it still seems really slow both to take a picture, and to get ready to take again. Even at the 3 mp setting.
Sound quality is the same, but it's always been very good on my droid. Must be a problems with certain phones.
Don't get me wrong, I still love the phone, and I'm not a complainer. These are just the facts, and I'm only stating them for the hope that someone from Google or Motorola gets this info so they can make the necessary improvements to make it better, more elegant, and glitch free.