Crazy story. Went into local Verizon (retailer,not corporate) and put my name on a list. They had only gotten one in, ever. Seemed unlikely but told them I was desperate since I sold my Droid last Friday on Ebay. All the forums mentioned and Verizon tech support backed up that there would be no shipments until the 18th or 19th. After reading forums I decided it may be best to order it direct, and did so. The next day, I happen to go into the Verizon store looking for a battery for the old phone I was going to temporarily use. The salesman said, "I spent all day yesterday looking for a phone for you. I found one at the warehouse and went there and picked it up for you.They only had one." I said, "You HAVE a Droid X?" Yes. This was yesterday. And I got it and canceled the online order. I plan on dropping off a gift certificate to this kid. Wow.