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New X orders now will not ship until the 18th.. Yeah right

actually as of right now i am completely unsatisfied and fuming. i called and asked specifically if the x was in stock and they said yes. now that my orderer is processed and cancelled my verizon order i found out its not, and they wont even tell me that it will ship tomorrow. they are like robots who repeat "we get new stock tomorrow, it will ship when approved" if i was face to face with them i would be going to jail for assault
My droid X had an 8/4 ship date and it showed up on 8/3 with 2 day shipping... It had to have shipped on 8/1 then, so i'd say that they have a backorder, and they are shipping them out as fast as moto can build them and lock the bootloaders :(
After all the problems Im having with Verizon wireless, This will be the last phone I purchase over the Phone.

Order the Phone
3 Days Later they cant locate the order
4 days later I am told FedEX has the phone for delivery
Note: I havent been charged at that time

Later that Day Verizon calls to Confirm My Phone Number. (The One they called me on and that is listed in the email FROM VZW)
Then I am told that they cant confirm when it will ship but that I wont be billed until it does.

That Night , I see that Verizon has billed me for the phone.
No FedEX tracking Number
Still Cant confirm order on Verizon web site.

As a New customer I am not happy with Verizon at all.
I ordered my DX from a Verizon store Tuesday, 8/3. I was told it SHOULD be shipped by the 18th/19th. From what I'm reading, for the most part, people are getting theirs in a week or so after they order? Can I expect mine soon?
Seems to me like that depends almost entirely on location. Some warehouses seem to be restocked quicker than others (or maybe just have fewer orders). I would say if you are in the midwest or the south you will probably get it sooner rather than later. I think new england people are waiting the longest, but I could be wrong.
Odds are that the high volume warehouses ran out, and thus verizon posted the delay notice.

Meanwhile some of the lower volume warehouses, like in the midwest, still had some stock. That stock at some point may be depleted before the new stock comes in, so they'll be in the same boat as us East coasters :P.
My Office Manager in NY FINALLY got around to ordering my X today - August 5th - and was told the backlog is until August 23rd. So, no go until then, I am afraid.
I ordered my DroidX on July 26th, it shipped on July 29th for delivery on August 2nd. I never got my hands on it because FedEx lost my phone on its way here. I've been told by Verizon that they probably won't ship me another before the 23rd and they made me pay for that second phone.

Verizon told me I was on my own when it comes to filing a claim and getting a refund from FedEx on the phone that never showed up. I'm continuing to fight this as I didn't choose FedEx as the shipper nor did I personally have any contractual arrangement with FedEx to ship the phone. I think this should be Verizons's problem.

Just because your phone ships doesn't necessarily mean that you're going to get it.
That really Bites that happened.
The More I hear about Verizon Customer service the less enthusiastic I am about this move.

Can anyone confirm if VZW takes the payment for the phone immediately or just before the Phone ships?
They take payment as soon as they can run with it. I ordered mine on Sunday at noon and my card was charged immediately the next day. I probly won't see the phone for a week or more.
Thanks Rick,

The sales rep told me I woudnt be charged until the phone shipped.
Not really happy at the moment , but I wil give them till the 11th as I was advised I would have it by then.
My Office Manager in NY FINALLY got around to ordering my X today - August 5th - and was told the backlog is until August 23rd. So, no go until then, I am afraid.

You have a very long wait my friend. Especially if ordered today. I live in NY too and we're one of the last places they ship too since we're so far from the distribution center.
wirefly update

so earlier i posted that i cancelled a verizon in store order for a wirelfy order. well after much stress and confusion. i placed an order today for a droid x at 1130am and it just hit fed ex overnight about 30 minutes ago. i officially have a fed ex tracking number which i can see on fedex.com and it will arrive at my house by 3pm tomorrow YAY! wirefly.com DOES have the droid x phone in stock and can ship it overnight. i dont know how where or why they have stock and verizon stores do not. they also told me a shipment is coming in with more phones tomorrow the 6th. either they are not getting the load of orders that verizon is or they are making bigger orders in anticipation of volume are all i can think. beware if you order from wirefly. they have NO customer service. it is almost an act of got to speak to a human after you place an order. they refer you to a website to check status that is confusing, contradictory and an hour or 2 delayed, or you can webchat with a customer service rep. it will drive you insane, there is almost no way to make human contact after you place an order. but in short i DID get instant overnight shipping on a HOT phone nobody has from them and i also got it with instant rebates and waived activation fees. its kind of nice knowing i dont have to send in any lame papers or barcodes.