New X orders now will not ship until the 18th.. Yeah right

when i ordered my phone it said the 18th. as long as i ordered it before that date changed would that mean it could still be shipped the 18th or would i have to wait until the 23rd now?
when i ordered my phone it said the 18th. as long as i ordered it before that date changed would that mean it could still be shipped the 18th or would i have to wait until the 23rd now?

I am in the same situation. When I placed my order for the Droid X on August 1st, I did it with a customer rep on the phone WHILE I was ordering it online (I had to have them change a bunch of my account information so I could use the"my verizon" since I have several phones). That being said, I was told the 18th when I placed the order, however today a rep told me when I called for the first time to get an update that it had been pushed back to the 23rd. Furthermore, she told me that if you ordered it through a customer service rep you will receive the phone a lot faster, online takes long she stated. From what I have read in this thread it sounds like the reps are stuck in a bad spot and just kinda "wing" each phone call. LOL. I live in Raleigh, NC if that information helps. Hope to get the X soon!
i ordered mine from the actual store. i didnt bother calling ahead of time to see if they were in stock and when i was leaving the guy said see you in a week so apparently he thought it shouldn't take that long. im still not sure why he thought id go back into the store though, he acted like i could only activate it from there and said he would help me with the mail in rebate (not that i need help lol). also when i first walked in and asked about buying a droid x he said they are coming in really fast now. dont the stores always get a specific number of phones shipped every so often? and if so, is it possible that they could get some in while id still be waiting for mine to be shipped or do they give priority to people who have already bought the phone?
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placed my order on 08/04 and when I called customer service they told me it was routed for approval by a supervisor because it was a early upgrade. Was told all day that It was waiting on a supervisor. 08/05 called vzw and was told by a csr that it was still waiting for approval did not get approved until 08/05 and now I have to wait until the 23rd instead of the 18th which is what I was told all because the supervisor took to long to do his/her job.
placed my order on 08/04 and when I called customer service they told me it was routed for approval by a supervisor because it was a early upgrade. Was told all day that It was waiting on a supervisor. 08/05 called vzw and was told by a csr that it was still waiting for approval did not get approved until 08/05 and now I have to wait until the 23rd instead of the 18th which is what I was told all because the supervisor took to long to do his/her job.

Feel your pain. :icon_evil:
Ordered on 3rd

Ordered on phone 8/3 was told before the 18th. Called a csr each day ,wed,thur,fri. all said the same thing will ship before the 18th. In a verizon store a rep said they take about a week
So I think the conclusion of this thread is that "you'll get it when you get it"... not meaning to be an ass at all.. it just seems like no one at VZW has a definitive answer, so whatever the date is they tell you, expect it sooner... or later.. however I DO hope EVERYONE gets theirs today...

Good luck!
wouldnt get them until monday because saturday costs extra and you didnt even have the option.
richjacksonkc, I think you're right. It seems to be taking an average of a week to ten days for most people. I also think the CS reps at VZW are doing the best they can. I can't imagine having to deal with the calls they're getting. (Please don't flame me, I'm just trying to put myself in the CS reps' shoes!):)
lady at the store where i bought mine said i wouldnt get it until the 18th (bought on 8/1) but im sure it will come earlier.
So I think the conclusion of this thread is that "you'll get it when you get it"... not meaning to be an ass at all.. it just seems like no one at VZW has a definitive answer, so whatever the date is they tell you, expect it sooner... or later.. however I DO hope EVERYONE gets theirs today...

Good luck!

You are correct in that Verizon doesnt have a Clue.
Guess im expecting to much, I mean really, to spend a couple houndred dollars on merchandise and then the company not even able to see the order in there system.
I dont think im expecting to much.
You guys are killing my soul. lol

June 7th Cellular South(Mississippi) announced they were getting the Milestone (Just a d1 because they're CDMA)

June 14th I managed to lose my phone while running a bulldozer. Bought a cheap lg p.o.s. without a contract to get me through.

July 4.. Tiny phone + big swimming trunks = splashdown. I swear I checked my pockets .. my keys and things were in my shoes..

Aug 1 was the latest rumored date for the release of the milestone.. so I gave up.

Aug 3 ordered an X online with an expected ship date of 8/18..

Now you guys are telling me some are shipping this week.. some are shipping next week... and some unlucky people like me won't get ours until the 23rd. lol

So I'm going to be out of a phone from 7/4 to 8/23.. Peace and quiet has been nice.. but it's tough to get some things done. lol

I called VZ VS today and they said my phone shipped yesterday 8/6and I should get it 8/10. They never sent me a notification. They gave me the tracking # its in Newark, NJ It shipped from PA near Phili and I'm in Central NY.

Happy My DroidX is finally on its waydancedroiddancedroiddancedroiddancedroid

Bye Bye:blackberry:
hm im from CNY too and i bought mine on 8/1. hope theres more than 1 droid x on that truck :p
Just called. The guy in the store told me August 23rd. The lady on the phone just said no longer than August 12th.

I ordered mine on the 3rd with accessories and I live in the midwest for what its worth.

Just called again and this time I was told that a new batch is being sent out August 23rd...

Both said it wasn't shipped so I believe that :(

But why do they all change the date lol

Called again and this time told the 19th but possibly before lol. They have no clue I guess.