Just got my shipping confirmation and FedEx tracking info from Tiger. Ordered phone 8/16 night. Phone will be here 8/24 by 10:30am.dancedroid
I hope everyone's phone is coming soon.

I'll let everyone know if I get the wrong thing in the box as some have suspected.
BTW - I'm in the mid-west, but maybe it's just the Verizon stores in the mid-west that are getting screwed.
Ok this is my first post and I have been watching boards for 2 weeks. I ordered on 8/8 and I am still waiting with no tracking #. But orders placed on the 16th have tracking? Heck there are people who orderd on the 6th who are still waiting.
I understand and agreed to wait until the 25th which is fine but when we wait 15-17 days and others only have to wait 7 or 8 plus ordered a week after me,
that is a problem.
No offense to you, its all directed at VZW, BTW PM me your phone # so I can call verizon and tell them the story. Then when they get all cocky and say "There is no way that is possible, can you provide us a phone # and we can see why orders placed 8 days after you have been shipped?" I can say "Oh I sure can." and watch them go silent.