I have dam near read every page on this thread and the one saying roll out was to start earlier last week. The thing that amazes me the most is that someone will specualte something. Then, that speculation turns into rumor. Then, that rumor somehow turns into fact. I'm just as heated as the next person. This situation reminds me of Charlie Brown trying to kick the football when Lucy pulls it away everytime. It's to the point now where it's laughable.
If everyone would just chill out, these threads COULD be more informative. some folks get mad at others because this one or that one hasn't read through HUNDREDS of pages of posts and ask a question that was answered on pg. #xx. I've seen articles linked THIS week (as if they were new) from week before last. I have no idea at this point who or5 what messed up. all I know is someone or something did. It would really be cool if we let the people that have REAL contacts keep us informed as time passes.
If we could just accept that it's delayed, we would all be alot better off. I know the mods would be. I'm pissed too. However, I'm not gonna lose any sleep over it. Hope veryone has a really good day and week. Peace.