Ok, just one question for those that got the OTA. Does the volume down still work to place your phone into silence mode. Many of us have seen that it will go into vibrate, but not silence mode.
I'm still kind of puzzling over this. I think it's been handled in several other threads, but maybe not. Here is what I understand...first, in 2.1 you could press the volume down button and the setting would go:
Higher -> Lower -> Vibrate while Silent -> Totally Silent
Or maybe I got the last two backwards...but the point was that you could have Vibrate (by itself) and Silent (by itself) as separate options.
Along came 2.2, and despite a few reports otherwise, I still suspect it works the same for all of us:
(1) Higher -> Lower -> Silent
(2) Higher -> Lower -> Vibrate
You get (1) when you select "Vibrate = Only when not in Silent mode" and you get (2) when you select "Vibrate = Only in Silent Mode."
I think this a FEATURE DESIGN, not A BUG. I think Motorola wants it this way (who knows why?). It reminds me of what happened last November when the phone launched, and people FREAKED OUT when they could only get a landscape homescreen with the keyboard out (they screamed on the Motorola user forum, "IT'S A BUG, IT'S A BUG, IT'S A BUG!!!!!!"). It was funny to hear owners cry "But I saw it work right in the store!!!!" Anyway, Motorola (not Google, right?) kindly added the feature so now the homescreen rotates (as it did from the start with 3nd party launchers...sheesh).
This whole "The volume key doesn't work right. IT'S A FROYO BUG!!!!" sounds so familiar (no offense to those who are genuinely bugged by it, including me).
PS Rich, sorry if I misread your post. You *do* know can change the final "notch" on the volume down button by going to Settings -> Sound -> Vibrate, right?