Super Moderator
Pick a site, any site, with flash content and try it. other than YouTube or Hulu.Did you install the Flash .apk from within a file manager like Astro or just put the .apk on your SD card?I went and manually downloaded Flash 10.1 via PC, but it doesn't seem to have installed correctly (Flash Showcase won't load) so I'm going to have to play with that some more. I don't want to wait forever like I did for Froyo.
I downloaded onto PC, transfered via usb to Droid's SD card and then used ASTRO to install it. Astro said it was a successful install and I see Flash 10.1 in my apps list in settings, so maybe the problem is with Showcase. I don't have a widget or icon for Flash though. I'll find some other way to test Flash. Suggestions?
Kongregate: Play free games online comes to mind. I hope I got that right.