Thanks! I'll try the suggestion of pulling the SIM Card first. If that doesn't work then i'll forever root and apply the update. Thanks guys!For some folks it seems to solve the issue totally and for others - not. I ended up in the "not" group. I did however do the following and am seeing much improvement: Possible Data Loss Fix - RootzWiki
I have not been able to test it fully, but I can say that after doing the fix listed in the link above, even thought the fix seems counter intuitive to me personally, my phone now hands off from wifi to 3G instantaneously. Prior to this "fix" it would take 3G 5-10 seconds to reestablish itself. I'm going to be in a 4G area shortly and will test that hand-off then.
Another plus, of less importance, is that the camera is much, much better. Also, folks are reporting much better battery performance. And this one may be true. I just checked my phone. It has been off charger for 5.75 hours and it's at 94% (medium/light use - lots of emails, 30-40 minutes of tapatalk, limited Dolphin Browser and a few short phone calls). For me and my phone (BTW - standard battery), that's pretty darn good.
Good luck.