Those of you having media issues, can you confirm that your kernel matches one of the two listed here?
FAQ - FabDroid Wiki
If not, you probably never did the update to .320 or .340 and are still on the 2.3.15 kernel, which is incompatible with this ROM (media doesn't work).
System Version
w30471@il93Inxdroid08 #1
ApeX 1.3.1
The most current kernal is and you can get the most current kernal to update via clockwork. Might be causing issues. Did you do the .320 leak or did you come straight from .315?
If you did the leak or the OTA, you can go
here to upgrade anything out of date. Make sure to follow instructions to the letter. Or you could always start over with a fresh 2.3.320 SBF, then run all those files to have a completely stock .340 OTA X to work with.