If anyone cares, I combined my install-recovery.sh file from /system/etc/ to include the bootup settings that jrummy's overclock app sets with the new cron settings from the updated toolbox.
Everything looks to be running good.
On that note, I answered my previous question.
If you install the cron job tweak that fab added to the toolbox, you loose your overclocking on boot settings. If you then go add your overclocking on boot settings via jrummy's app, you lose the cron job settings.
Therefore, I made copies of each install-recovery.sh file and took the parts needed for both aspects and combined them together into my new "super" install-recovery.sh file.
If anyone needs help with this, I'll be glad to assist. My only fear is that further tweaking in the oc app will require this to be done again. Not terrible, just a bit of a pain..
Does anyone know if an install-recovery script file can do a sort of "include" so that it could just load settings from another script? If so, maybe that could be the new route for apps to use. Just append to the script to include external config files.
Haven't looked at the details of what you guys are talking about but if you go into Droid Overclock and check the android service boot then it will not use install-recovery.sh
Good to know...Thanks
Edit: FYI, selecting that option in the overclock app deleted the install-recover.sh file from /system/etc/. So if anyone else goes the route, and wants the cron settings there still, you have to run it from apextoolbox again...
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