Restoring Removed Apps
I have made some flashable .zip files for common Blur apps that people want to restore. Check the following link first to see if I made one for the app you want. If not, then follow the steps below to manually restore Blur. Flashable .zip files
1. Game plan -- figure out which .apks you need to restore to get the functionality you want. I won't be providing much support in this regard.
2. Download the removed apps archive
here. This is NOT a flashable .zip file.
3. Extract the removed apps archive and cherry pick the .apks you wish to restore. Copy them onto your sdcard.
4. Run the following commands in Terminal Emulator to restore apps:
sys -rw
cp /sdcard/APKNAME.apk /system/app
chmod 755 /system/app/APKNAME.apk
5. Repeat the bottom two lines for all remaining .apks to restore