That's probably true but I skip the Google sync in the beginning.. then restore all my user apps with titanium.. then sync with Google. Has worked flawslessly for all Rome with me
Sent from my DROIDX
Restoring apps isn't a big deal, but the route he took is sketchy, restoring data from the .596 build to Apex 2.0,
...the steps you normally would take to set up your google and other email accounts isn't the same way the instructions for Apex tells you to do it...
So the stuff he restored didn't play nice with the Apex rom booted
...this probably is the same for any other data he restored, data that isn't compatible with the Apex Rom. like Blur apps that rely on another.
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I agree completely. I think that's exactly what went went wrong.
Sent from my DROIDX
I'm surprise you understood that...haha.
I haven't flash the Apex rom yet, haven't found the time to download it. How do you like it?...
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