I am thinking about sbfing back to stock 2.3.15 and waiting for the .340 update to roll out. Who in here is doing that?
EDIT: Also, I back everything up using MyBackUp Pro. I was wondering after I wipe everything, what is the best way for me to restore? If I try to download MyBackUp Pro from the Market, it starts downloading all the other apps that I had installed before I wiped. Is canceling all the other downloads except MyBackUp Pro and restoring everything else the way to go?
1) Not me. When the OTA comes out, I'll wait to hear that it can be rooted, then will probably wait for a .340 based rubiX Focused,
then I'll sbf and update.
2) To prevent Google from reinstalling all of your apps after a wipe, go to Settings>Privacy and uncheck "Automatic Restore" (you will have to first check "Back up my data" in order to be able to uncheck this). However, after doing this, you
will have to manually reinstall all of your apps.