I JUST rooted my D2, so do I need to install a custom rom? Or can i just apply the theme?
What all am i going to have to do to get this up and running? If this question has already been answered i apologize for the double post.
Also, what apps to buy? Ofc Bootstrapper for D2, but anything else?
My Themes are designed to work with Stock ROMs ONLY!. If you load a Custom ROM I recommend that you do not try and use my Theme. I will be creating themes for the most popular D2 Custom ROMs as time permits.
My must have Recommended apps for any Rooter:
Droid X (and 2) Recovery Bootstrap - (DX/D2 Only)
Root Explorer (File Manager) - Paid app
Titanium Backup * root - Get Paid version for best options
Android Terminal Emulator - Free
Rom Manager - Free version is fine for most stuff, but Premium is better
MetaMorph - Free version OK, Pro Version is better
Optional NON-Market PC based Applications for working with files/apks on the Droid with your PC:
Android Commander - doesn't get any easier for pushing/pulling apks from PC to Phone and back. www.androidcommander.com Free but always consider donatation. This is an amazing Windows based GUI "ADB/File Manager" for Droids.
7zip - never use the standard Windows Zip extrator, get 7zip, free app - www.7-zip.org