People scraping by?? If that's the case then you need to re-evaluate your situation and your conditions. If paycheck to paycheck is the case and all you care about it your unlimited data going away, there are bigger issues. Plus, no internet access?? when did VZW say, "please use our phones to replace your home internet, we want you to" when?? where?? again, if that's what you are doing then your financial situation isn't that great. time to prioritize things.
sorry but again, this was coming, everyone knew it. It's not like they suddenly magically did this. There have been rumors for a long time now.
you're right in the HSPA+ vs 3G for top end speed on the "fallback network" , and they may have a larger footprint.
but so far every AT&T customer I know hates them for their horrific quality on phone calls.
data is one thing, voice is another. if I need to call someone I need that call to be stable.
Umm maybe bc I'm from a poor in the country...student for the second time just to get a job to make it in the future. One bachelors was enough so umm yeah. No internet is available where I live and I can't afford to drive to the nearest wifi place everyday to do the hours of work I have to do daily in nursing school. I also pay for an UNLIMITED tethering plan FOR THIS REASON. I'm stuck in my situation for two more years then I'm okay.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
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